May 24, 2008

James Graduation Party

My cousin James proudly graduated with a Bachelor's in Psychology from CSUN, Cal State University Northridge this past week. We celebrated this weekend with great friends and family even if the weather was gloomy and then partly cloudy. We are all very proud of James and all that he has accomplished! And we support him as his next goal is to get through his Master's. We love you James!! =)

Here are his boys and they all jump for joy in celebrating.. or maybe it was the Mojitos and beer =p

The girls even fond over him.. alrighty then...

The Repuyan Family - Dad's side

The Anciano Family - Mom's side

The graduate's proud mama with her video camera action going.. and my mom with my nephew Dylan Noah

Ok, I just had to squeeze some pics of my nephew Aidan.. but he loves it when I take his pics.. and I just can resist when he gives me those eyes and smile =) I'm a sucker for it..

Congratulations again James for all your hard work.. you earned it and deserve all the opportunities that come along the way..


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