November 30, 2009

Strawberry Farms Golf Club - Hollea + Darren Wedding - 11.28.09

Ceremony + Reception: Strawberry Farms Golf Club - Irvine, CA

My last wedding for 2009 was shot with my buddy Hoffmann Photographer. The wedding took place at the beautiful outdoors by the golf course and the reception was set in a warm setting inside a barn.

the flowers were an array of orange, yellows and browns to go with the fall season.

her shoes were different, but cute on her =)

Hollea flaunting some cuteness on the golf cart while waiting on our groom..

the girls..

the kiddos.. they actually had 4 little boys in the wedding.. that's 2 sets of twins.. cuties!

i had to take this ring shot.. what's a picture without strawberries at Strawberry Farms

daddy's little girl

i love this place for a reception.. so warm and welcoming.. and you decorate it just about anything and it would still be beautiful.

Fav shot of the day.. the lighting, the sky of blue and texture of the trees we just perfect.

it's a cool shoot through shot with the dry twines.. but being in the middle of it can get pokey =)


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