April 12, 2010

Laguna Beach Engagement :: Nancy + Jaime :: 4.11.10

Locations: Downtown Laguna Beach, Laguna Beach, CA
and Crystal Cove State Park, Newport Coast, CA

It was a day unexpected of when the rain would come. Fortunately, it hit later in the evening. We had some clouds and chilly weather, but it made for great even light and a little snuggling time for these two. They love riding their bikes and hiking so these places matched to their liking. So excited to see them marry this June at Tustin Ranch Golf Course, Tustin, CA.

pulling in love.. awww shweet!

he is just so sweet on her and it just put a big O smile on my face the entire session.

Cruisers bicyles.. Cool.. Jaime forgetting his flip flopps.. Oops!

her bling ring was just beautiful

snuggle up time

i love how a couple can just have fun and enjoy in that moment..

my fav shot of the day


MzSuZee April 12, 2010 at 3:36 PM  

love it! mariemil! this is exactly where i was gonna ask for our session! oh, and plus the tidepools of course!

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