June 14, 2010

Farmers Market @ The Grove + Union Station :: Linnette + Victor Engaged :: 6.13.10

Locations: The Farmers Market @ The Grove, Los Angeles, CA
and The Union Station, Los Angeles, CA

They mentioned to us that they love going to fairs and farmer's markets.. so we decided to do part of their session at the Farmer's Market at the Grove and work our way to the Union Station. Like most of our couples we've shot in the past they were a bit nervous and felt the awkwardness of affection in public. Especially on a Sunday at this Farmers Market it was busy like Disneyland, but they were good sports and eventually ignored anyone who stared or even took pictures.

We too love farmers markets. The food, the little unique stores and knick knacks around give such character and vibrant colors. They wanted a bit formal, classic and romantic look which you can never go wrong at the Union Station. Even if the Lakers lost game 5 (*sigh*) this day.. these two gave us something to smile about =)

See these two cuties tie the knot this August at Franciscan Gardens, San Juan Capistrano! ♥

I had to do a little cleaning the best I can with the mirror, but in the end I kind of liked it added a cute affect to the photo..

Marry me? awww

the Perfect Pair

I heart this photo, not only because of the character and color of the stools and wall, but the casual coziness of how they are together.

so sweet how he makes her laugh..

so cute how she puts a smile on his face.

Paolo took this photo with our 14-24mm (superdooper wide) lens and it came out beautifully.. great job honey!

The L in love is Linnette.. The V in love is Victor

favorite shot of the day =)


Victor La Fontaine,  June 15, 2010 at 7:12 AM  

To Marimemil and Paolo (Maolo),
You guys are the best, you made us, who are really unphotogenic people...Look pretty darn good. Your creativity is second to none!! We love your work..

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